
23. Februar 2025

Halliburton Dumps RIM, Chooses iPhones For 4,500 Employees

06.02.2012 23:26, TechCrunch
To say that RIM has had a tough time these past few months is an understatement, and todays news probably wont help raise the morale around Waterloo. According to AppleInsider, oilfield services giant Halliburton will soon be migrating their BlackBerry-toting workforce to run exclusively on a new fleet of iPhones. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

New York Times: Warum produziert Apple in China?

In einem ausführlichen Artikel beantworten die New York Times die Frage, warum Apple eigentlich (fast) alle seine Produkte in China herstellen lässt. /> Der Grund, warum iPhone, iPad, iMac & Co. nicht in den USA hergestellt werden, liegt überraschenderweise nicht in den Kosten: Vor mehreren Jahren unterstützte die chinesische Regierung den schnellen Bau von ganzen Fabriks-Städten, in denen 3.000 Arbeiter Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

BII Express: Of Course Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds….

12.01.2012 14:56, businessinsider

Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds Over Its Social Search
A privacy group has said it is considering filing a complaint with the FTC over Googles new social search. Google recently rolled out a new search interface called Search Plus Your World which features social results from users network prominently. The problem? These social results are largely from Googles own Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

CES2012: ION Audio präsentiert neue iCade-Produkte für unterwegs

Manche von uns können sich vielleicht noch an die Zeit zurück erinnern, als man einige der besten Computerspiele noch in der Spielhalle fand. Wer diese Retro-Gefühle mit seinem iOS-Gerät, und zusammen mit Spiele-Klassikern wie Asteroids, Pac-Man, oder einem guten alten Flipper, hochleben lassen möchte findet bei ION genau das richtige: /> Als Nachfolger auf die im letzten Jahr erschienene iCade stellt der Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Apple Is Going To Release iPad 4 In October According To The Latest Crazy Rumor From Taiwan (AAPL)

06.01.2012 14:21, businessinsider

Were only a few weeks away from an iPad 3, and already the rumor mill is churning out stories about a new iPad.
Taiwanese newspaper DigiTimes says were going to see an iPad 4 in October.
This supposed iPad 4 will feature seriously improved internals so as to compete with an array of Android-, Wintel- or WoA (Windows on ARM)-based tablet PCs to be released in the fourth quarter.
This Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft Will Pay AT&T Staff Who Recommend Windows Phones Over iPhone And Android

05.01.2012 22:39, businessinsider

In a bid to boost the adoption of devices running its Windows Phone 7 mobile operating system, Microsoft will reportedly pay bonuses to AT&T staff who recommend Windows Phone handsets over Apples iPhone and Google Android-powered devices.
Paul Thurrott of WindowsITPro reports that the company will pay between $10 and $15 for each handset sold, depending on the number of Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Developer Sells iPhone App On eBay, Starting Price: $1

03.01.2012 18:34, TechCrunch
Mobile app developer Neal Schmidt, maker of the scavenger hunt game  Buckshot, is selling his iPhone app on eBay where it had a starting price of just $1.00. The app was posted to eBay on December 29th, and, according to the listing is for complete  ownership  of the game, including both the free and paid versions.

As of today, the app has received 17 bids and is currently up to $202.50. Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

That Rumor About Two New iPads Next Year Sounds Pretty Bogus (AAPL)

29.12.2011 16:13, businessinsider

Apple may have plans to introduce two new iPad models early next year, according to DigiTimes.
Thats in addition to keeping the current iPad 2 around at a price that will be competitive with Amazons $199 Kindle Fire.
So if this report is to believed, you can expect three iPad models to be available next year at the high, mid, and entry-level ranges.
Thats tough to swallow. Heres Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

4 New iPhone Apps for 2012

29.12.2011 12:00,
NEW YORK (TheStreet) — Apples iPhone 4S boosted app downloads to new heights in 2011. An onslaught of new iPhone users, combined with iOS 5 updates, created a surge in app discovery this year, according to a new report from mobile marketing technology company Fiksu.

During November, iPhone app downloads surged 83% over last year, the report said.

App downloads are Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

CHART OF THE DAY: Apple And Google Get A Record Breaking Christmas (AAPL, GOOG)

27.12.2011 22:51, businessinsider

Apple and Google activated a record breaking number of mobile devices this Christmas, according to Flurry analytics, which delivers mobile analytics to developers. Flurry has 140,000 apps running its software, and believes it can track every new Android or iOS device activated.
Between December 1 and 20, 1.5 million Android and iOS devices were activated daily on average. Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Distimo’s Year-End Report Shows Why Developers Love iOS: iPhone 4x Android Revenue, iPad 2x

20.12.2011 12:00, TechCrunch
There are now over a million mobile applications available across the top seven major app stores, according to mobile analytics firm Distimo in its year-end report for 2011. And, not surprisingly, the iTunes App Store is still the one to beat, especially if youre a developer looking to make a profit.

The iPhone App Store generates about four times the revenue that is generated by the Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Flipboard Adds 1 Million Users Its First Week On The iPhone

14.12.2011 20:38, TechCrunch
Only one week after Flipboards highly anticipated launch on the iPhone (and iPod Touch), the company is announcing it has added 1 million users to its service and has tripled its engagement. According to the company, that means it now has over 5 million users in total using the app across the iOS platform.

Before last weeks release, Flipboard had registered 650 million flips per month Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Motorola Mobility Could Ban Sales Of 3G iPads And iPhones In Germany (MOT, AAPL)

09.12.2011 18:29, businessinsider

Motorola Mobility just won a suit against Apple that could enable them to bar sales of the iPhone and 3G iPad models in Germany, according to a report by FOSS Patents.
Motorola can shell out around $134 million to post a bond that would enforce an injunction against sales of Apples phones and 3G-enabled tablets in Germany. If Apple wins an appeal on the case and overturns the injunction, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple Chatter: New iPad, iPhone Soon?

29.11.2011 22:11,
NEW YORK (TheStreet) — Those iPad 2ss and iPhone 4Ss you bought little Johnny and Janey for Christmas on Black Friday might be obsolete sooner than you think.

According to Boy Genius Report (BGR), new versions of Apples iconic devices could be coming out relatively soon.

Apple has historically released its product refreshes like clockwork, but that could change Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple Breaks Black Friday Record

29.11.2011 18:47, News
Apple?s iPad sales surged 68 percent on Black Friday, breaking sales records and hinting at the tablet?s continuing market dominance. The Cupertino, Calif.-based company sold 15 iPads per hour in each store, according to Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, who predicts it may sell more than 13 million tablets during its December quarter. The iPad … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]