
23. Februar 2025

AT&T CMO: This Is How We Sold Millions More iPhones Than Verizon In 2011

03.02.2012 21:31, News
One year ago, there was a lot of chatter about getting the iPhone and the effect it would have on rival carrier . Now that 2011 sales have been tabulated and turns out to have activated far more iPhones than Verizon did – 17.5 million units vs. 10.8 million for Verizon – is eager to … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

CHART OF THE DAY: Apple And Google Get A Record Breaking Christmas (AAPL, GOOG)

27.12.2011 22:51, businessinsider

Apple and Google activated a record breaking number of mobile devices this Christmas, according to Flurry analytics, which delivers mobile analytics to developers. Flurry has 140,000 apps running its software, and believes it can track every new Android or iOS device activated.
Between December 1 and 20, 1.5 million Android and iOS devices were activated daily on average. Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]