
23. Februar 2025

Neues iPhone: Liveticker zur Apple-Pressekonferenz ab 19 Uhr

Apple wird am Mittwochabend in San Francisco neue Smartphones vorstellen – gut ein Jahr nach dem Debüt des iPhone 4S. Wie üblich gibt sich der Konzern geheimniskrämerisch: Die in der vergangenen Woche verschickte Einladung für die Pressekonferenz trägt die Überschrift Its almost here und zeigt die Zahl 12 für den heutigen Tag. Als Schatten wirft sie eine 5, was vermutlich für das iPhone 5 steht.

Apple-Einladungsschreiben. Quelle:… [weiterlesen]

Schülerartikel: iPhone 5 – Bald ist es so weit! –

Apple wird am 12. September, um 19:00 Uhr westeuropäischer Zeit, auf der Keynote das lang ersehnte iPhone 5 vorstellen.

Die Einladung zu diesem Event der Superlative ist kurz aber aussagekräftig: Mit Its almost here. wird für die nächste Generation geworben. Die 12 steht für den Tag. Der Schatten der beiden Ziffern formt eine 5, welche relativ unmissverständlich auf die Versionsnummer des neuen iPhones hinweist.

Wahrscheinlich Quelle:… [weiterlesen]

Apple iPad review: The only tablet that matters, now better than ever

It almost feels like weve been here before. Apple launched a new product with almost the exact same exterior look and feel as the previous model, and almost all of the upgrades are buried deep within the device. Why cant Apple make a brand new game-changing form factor every year?! Steve Jobs was the best (even though the people who say this now used to talk shit about him all the time on forums and in blog comments when he was Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]

The New iPad: Everyone Is Going Nuts Over The Screen (AAPL)

15.03.2012 02:24, businessinsider

All the people that got early access to the iPad have just published their reviews.
Theres one consistent takeaway: the screen is awesome. How awesome?
Walt Mossberg of All Things D: Using the new display is like getting a new eyeglasses prescription—you suddenly realize what you thought looked sharp before wasnt nearly as sharp as it could be … It has the most spectacular Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Foxconn Server gehackt, Accounts von Apple und weiteren Kunden ausgelesen

Um gegen die schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen des Zulieferers von Apple und weiteren Firmen zu protestieren, startete die Hackergruppe SwaggSec offenbar einen – erfolgreichen – Angriff auf die Server von Foxconn. Über eine Sicherheitslücke im Internet Explorer eines Mitarbeiters erlangten sie Zugriff auf einen der Foxconn-Server, und konnten so die Benutzerdaten von Kunden für Online-Aufträge, und auch Zugangsinfos Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

How To Fix iPhone Auto Correct, The Bane Of Your Existence (AAPL)

07.02.2012 16:29, businessinsider

Ever since the iPhone launched almost five years ago, weve been struggling with its auto correct feature.
Sometimes, it works great, figuring out what we mean as if by magic.
Other times it frustratingly wont let us type what we want, no matter how many times we try. It stinks. And were not alone. Youve probably seen Damn You Auto Correct, an entire site dedicated to the auto corrects Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The iEconomy: Apple’s iPad and the Human Costs for Workers in China

26.01.2012 01:51, NYT > Business
A staggering manufacturing system in China has made it possible to make devices almost as quickly as they can be dreamed up, but for workers, it can be dangerous.
mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

CES Road Trip: Almost Perfect iPhone GPS Solution

07.01.2012 07:05, News
Im writing this post from the restaurant at Casa de Fruta -which is exactly 59 miles from my home in Silicon Valley and 478 miles from my destination – the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in . I usually fly to CES but this time Im driving my 2010 Prius. At $3.50 a gallon, Im estimating … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Will Apple Release a $299 iPad? Not Likely

04.01.2012 18:29, News
Rumors and speculation continue to surround the upcoming release of the iPad 3. Now rumor has it that may slash the price of the iPad 2 to $299 when the next model comes out. This would obviously rock the tablet market. If were to make such an aggressive move it would almost certainly be in … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The Cord-On-Board iPhone Case Hides A Charging Cable Inside

04.01.2012 01:55, TechCrunch
After a decade of iPods, Apples little white charging cable seem to be pretty much everywhere these days. Open a random drawer, there one will sit. Ask a pack of strangers, Hey — anyone got an iPhone cable? and half a dozen will be thrown your way. At this point, its almost hard to not be within reach of one… until you actually need one. Then the damned things seemingly dont exist.

Looking Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

How Google And Apple Won The Smartphone Wars

02.01.2012 18:16, Home Page
By Erick Schonfeld: What a difference just one year can make. In our Year in Tech post, I pointed out that 2011 was the year that Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG) won the smartphone wars. I put together the chart above from comScore U.S. mobile subscriber estimates to illustrate the dramatic shift in market share in the smartphone market. In less than 18 months, AppleࢠQuelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Flipboard Launches New Design For The iPhone

07.12.2011 06:02, News
Startup Flipboard made a name for itself with its social news iPad app built specifically for the iPad touch-screen interface. But fans have been asking almost from the start: wheres the iPhone app? Now its here. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The iOS 5.1 Beta References Unreleased Apple Gadgets (AAPL)

29.11.2011 14:28, businessinsider

Its not uncommon for Apple to slip some code into iOS updates that ends up going unused until new hardware is released.
BGR has the breakdown on the new devices referenced in the iOS 5.1 beta that developers have been tooling around with.
iPad2,4 — this is most likely a new iPad designed to work with Sprints network.
iPad3,1 and iPad3,2 – these are almost certainly references Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]