
23. Februar 2025

CEO OF APPLE PARTNER FOXCONN: “Managing One Million Animals Gives Me A Headache”

19.01.2012 13:02, businessinsider

This wont do much to calm concerns about how the folks who make iPhones, iPads, and other gadgets are treated.
According to WantChinaTimes, Terry Gou, the head of Hon Hai (Foxconn), the largest contract manufacturer in the world, had this to say at a recent meeting with his senior managers:
Hon Hai has a workforce of over one million worldwide and as human beings are also animals, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft Kinectimals Appears On The iPhone, As Cute As Can Be

14.12.2011 00:36, TechCrunch
Microsoft has ported Kinectimals, the Xbox 360 game that involves the care and feeding of dangerous animals in the wild, to the iPhone, suggesting that (at least in the short term) even Microsoft sees the value of releasing on iOS first.

The $2.99 game recreates the Xbox version fairly faithfully but without the Kinect motion controls. Interestingly, the app also allows you to unlock Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]