26.01.2012 03:02, allthingsd.com
Walt answers a readers question on whether a new Microsoft Office app for the iPad tracks changes. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Track Changes on an iPad
26. Januar 2012 von
Using Your iPhone: Answers To 13 Questions You Were Afraid To Ask (AAPL)
23. Januar 2012 von
23.01.2012 20:04, businessinsider
We often hear the same problems from first-time iPhone owners. They dont know how to use their fancy new device.
It can be daunting moving from that ancient flip phone to a powerful touchscreen device. Those newbies dont always know what theyre missing.
Here are the most common questions were asked about iPhones, as well as the clever answers to those problems.
Plus, youll Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Microsoft Office on iPad
29. Dezember 2011 von
29.12.2011 00:37, allthingsd.com
Walt answers readers questions about technology, including opening Office files on the iPad. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
The iPad magician – uAsk iAnswer ” Handy-Tips
Der iPad-Zauberer – FAQ! www.SimonPierro.com These are some answers on your comments on my video “Preview on iOS5″ Facebook www.facebook.com Special Guest: Claudia Kleinert (Germanys most famous weather girl) Special Guest Voice: Stefan Schwabeneder (Radio Bayern3) Thanks to my magic friends Thomas Fraps, Denis “Beer” Behr, Claus Heintzeler The Wizards of OS: Masashi Beheim and Alexander Ried Quelle: Handy Tips NET… [weiterlesen]