
22. Januar 2025

Mandzukic: “Ich glaube an mich” | SPORT1 | Mandzukic| Sonderheft

Von Mathias FrohnapfelMünchen – Er ist mit 13 Millionen Euro der teuerste Neuzugang des FC Bayern.Und in München fühlt sich Mario Mandzukic immer mehr heimisch, auch wenn er die Wahl der Unterkunft weitgehend seiner Freundin überließ.Füße hochlegen und am besten gar nicht viel Programm, so hat es der Kroate in seiner Freizeit am liebsten. Auf dem Platz dagegen macht er Kilometer, fährt auch mal die Ellbogen aus und Quelle: Artikel… [weiterlesen]

SPORT1-Experten sicher: Hertha und Köln steigen auf | SPORT1 | Bundesliga | Sonderheft | Saison | Aufstiegsfavoriten

Von Martin VolkmarMünchen – SPORT1 fragte und die Experten waren sich einig:Die Absteiger sind die Topfavoriten auf den Bundesliga-Aufstieg, die Zweitliga-Aufsteiger die ersten Kandidaten für die Rückkehr in die Dritte Liga.Dies ergab die Umfrage unter den 18 renommierten Fachleuten zur am Freitag startenden Spielzeit für das neue SPORT1 Bundesliga Sonderheft (hier bestellen).Ich glaube, dass am Ende ein Quelle: Artikel… [weiterlesen]

iPad Innovation: Diminishing Returns, Or Exceeding Expectations?

08.03.2012 01:25, TechCrunch
Are you having fun yet? Were in the process of winding down from another Apple Event Day, which means recovering from a day full of iFanpeoples eagerly clicking on every iPad-related article on the Web, a day in which blogs lap up the ad revenue, and trolls eagerly proclaim their indifference to whatever this iHubbub is all about, sneering at the army of iClones marching in lock-step to Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Why China cannot develop its own iPhone

02.02.2012 01:49, News
? Everyone reading Times has probably come across a recent article that addresses a question many Americans ask, including President Obama: Why arent iPhones made in the US? While this question is certainly of great importance at a time job growth in the US is slow and unemployment is hovering around 9 percent, it downplays … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]


25.01.12 | 15:24 Uhr

Named one of the ?Top 10 Apps That Could Save Your Life? in the Jan. 22, 2012 issue of Parade Magazine, Health Discovery Corporation (OTCBB: HDVY), the molecular diagnostics company that launched MelApp in July 2011, the first SVM-based image analysis iPhone app for melanoma risk assessment, is pleased to announce it has received a record number of downloads in the days following the article. Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Steve Jobs Freaked Out A Month Before First iPhone Was Released And Demanded A New Screen

22.01.2012 19:55, businessinsider

Charles Duhigg and Keith Bradsher of the New York Times have written an excellent article about why Apple makes iPhones and iPads in China instead of the United States.
One of the key points is this:
Chinese factories are far more nimble than American factories.
The story Duhigg and Bradsher used to illustrate this will only add to the iPhone lore.
Just over a month before the Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Should Apple Make a Conflict Minerals Free iPhone?

31.12.2011 17:45, News
It?s the new year, time to look at what we hope the next year will bring. Which brings us to this article by a campaigner in The Congo. In which he asks that makes an iPhone from conflict free minerals. That?s why I?m asking to make an iPhone made with conflict-free minerals from the Congo … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]