
23. Februar 2025

Hockney schmückt Eisernen Vorhang mit iPad-Bild – Bildende Kunst – › Kultur

Britischer Starkünstler hat mit 176 Quadratmeter großem Wien Musik stilisierten Zuschauerraum auf seinem Tablet gemalt Wien – A Real Bigger Picture: Der britische Starkünstler David Hockney erregte im heurigen Frühjahr mit der Schau A Bigger Picture in der Londoner Royal Academy das Aufsehen der Kunstwelt. Die Formate dieser Ausstellung verblassen jedoch angesichts der 176 Quadratmeter, mit denen das neueste Quelle: Der… [weiterlesen]

David Hockney, der mit dem iPad malt – Freie Presse

Köln (dapd). Wenn andere Maler zu Pinsel und Leinwand greifen, hält David Hockney routiniert sein iPad in den Händen. Der berührungsempfindliche Tablet-PC dient dem britischen Künstler als Malinstrument. Aber Hockney ist kein aufstrebender Nachwuchskünstler auf der Suche nach Neuem. Nein, Hockney ist 75 Jahre alt und seit Jahrzehnten einer der bedeutendsten Gegenwartskünstler der Welt. Seinem jüngsten Werk Quelle: Freie Presse… [weiterlesen]

KONY 2012 Is Bigger Than the New iPad. What to Do Now?

13.03.2012 07:12, News
As obsessed as we all were a week ago with Apple?s iPad announcement, the global brain space filled with KONY 2012 is of another order of magnitude. Yes, it?s great that social media is buzzing with something about human beings instead of bright, shiny objects. And it?s great to think of the internet as an … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

New iPad: Your Next TV Set?

10.03.2012 15:46, InformationWeek News
Apples TV set is already here. Maybe youve heard of the iPad? The first model has a 9.7-inch diagonal screen, but think bigger.

mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Cool Trick: AntiCrop “Un-Crops” Your iPhone Photos

20.01.2012 17:46, TechCrunch
A newly released iPhone app called AntiCrop proclaims to the be the first application that allows you to un-crop your photos. What that means is that the app is able to extend the edges of your photos by using an intelligent content filling tool that duplicates the background, making your picture bigger than it was before. Youre not cropping the photo – youre un-cropping it. And its a pretty Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The First 15 iPad Apps You Must Download (AAPL)

25.12.2011 02:00, businessinsider

Weve put together our list of the best apps to download when you first get an iPad.
Not all of these are best of the best, but we think these are coolest starting apps to show off all the things you can do with the iPad.
That way when your friends come over and ask whats so great about the iPad you can show them.
Enjoy!The Kindle app is a must.

Apple will shove iBooks down your throat, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Why Apple, RIMM And Nokia Could Lose Smartphone Share To Samsung

26.11.2011 17:11, Home Page
By Stock Croc:The smartphone market is already worth billions, but it is expected to reach $150 billion as early as 2014. Add in things like the lucrative app industry, tablet sales and even accessories that most of these companies produce and the market value becomes much bigger. Research In Motion Limited (RIMM) and Apple Inc. (AAPL) were the big players in the market, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]