19.01.2012 19:57, Forbes.com: News
Strong iPhone 4S sales narrowed the gap between and in the heated smartphone market. More than half of people buying a new smartphone last fall chose Android devices, research firm Nielsen revealed Wednesday. However, in a month-by-month breakdown, researchers showed Android?s overall market share among recent buyers dropped by nearly 12 percent in the last … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
The iOS 5.1 Beta References Unreleased Apple Gadgets (AAPL)
29. November 2011 von
29.11.2011 14:28, businessinsider
Its not uncommon for Apple to slip some code into iOS updates that ends up going unused until new hardware is released.
BGR has the breakdown on the new devices referenced in the iOS 5.1 beta that developers have been tooling around with.
iPad2,4 — this is most likely a new iPad designed to work with Sprints network.
iPad3,1 and iPad3,2 – these are almost certainly references Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]