
9. März 2025

Is Google Ready to Take on Amazon with a $199, 7-Inch Tablet?

09.03.2012 20:04, Forbes.com: News
Despite similar attributes, the two tablets are possibly going to cater to different markets, given the divergent objectives of their parent companies. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Twitter Weekly: 2012-02-12

class=aktt_tweet_digest>Lese gerade: Thermochromatic iPhone Cases Have a Different Look http://t.co/vRNme1AV #iPhone #Für Zwischendurch eine kleine Aktion der anderen Art: -15% auf die ersten 3 Sales mit diesem Gutscheincode:… http://t.co/voviZAtI #Neu im Shop: bugatti SoftTouch Neopren SlimCase für iPhone 4(S) und 3G(S). /> Ein modischer Klassiker mit… http://t.co/bJAkfD2b Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Apple soll iPhone “ethisch” produzieren lassen – Apple – derStandard.at › Web

Nutzer demonstrierten vor Apple-Stores gegen Arbeitsbedingungen chinesischer ZuliefererNachdem in den letzten Monaten immer mehr über die Arbeitsbedingungen beim Zulieferer Foxconn bekannt wurden, wird der Druck auf Apple höher. Das Unternehmen lässt dort unter anderem seine iPhones zusammenbauen. User forderten nun, dass sich Apple dazu verpflichte ethische Produkte zu entwickeln.
Demonstrationen Quelle: Der Standard.at… [weiterlesen]

LEAKED: An Alleged iPad 3 Part Hints At A Giant Battery (AAPL)

08.02.2012 23:44, businessinsider

A new alleged leaked iPad 3 part shows that the tablet will likely have a larger battery and similar design as the current iPad 2.
The leaked photo compares the rear iPad 2 casing to the rear iPad 3 casing. It comes from Repair Labs, who says they got it from industry insiders in China.
Heres the photo. The iPad 2 casing is on the left:

Repair Labs says its source claims the iPad 3s Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The Gizmon iCA Might Be The Ultimate iPhone Camera Case

30.12.2011 02:53, TechCrunch
There are iPhone cases and then there are…more iPhone cases. There are probably close to a gazillion different iPhone cases available now. But none are as elaborate as the Gizmon iCA — at least none I have seen. The case — if you call it just a case — is made of 32 different polycarbonate parts, it features a conversion lens mount with additional optional lenses, and adds a working shutter Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Kindle Fire Display Doesn’t Stand Up To Nook, iPad 2 In Tests

20.12.2011 22:36, TechCrunch
You probably know that not all LCDs are created equal: at a given size, you can have different resolutions, lighting methods, and display-driving technologies. Apple has led the way in this regard, generally shelling out in its products for the best options available, while cheaper brands tend to take a bit off the price tag by going with a cheaper or smaller display. Thats certainly Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]