
23. Februar 2025


14.12.12 | 01:00 Uhr | 2 mal gelesen

MIAMI, Dec. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ —  JockSpin has made it more convenient to read news, opinion, and rumors for your favorite sports and teams. With its just released iOS apps for iPhone and iPad, one easily selects teams, sports, and regions. The app then aggregates headlines from thousands of sources, displaying a page with recent headlines for each of your selections. To Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft möbelt die Xbox 360 auf

Während der Keynote auf der Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles gab Microsoft bekannt, dass die Xbox 360 inzwischen die meistverkaufte Spielekonsole der Welt ist und die Playstation 3 und Nintendo Wii von der Spitze verdrängt hat. Obwohl der Software-Gigant frühestens im nächsten Jahr die nächste Generation der Xbox vorstellen wird, ist Don Mattrick von Microsoft überzeugt: “Es gab nie einen besseren Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]


26.01.12 | 09:00 Uhr

At Macworld today, Streaming Networks announced a new version of the iRecord ® Pro (PMR-203) with integrated support for the Apple ® iPad 2, iPhone 4, and iOS 5. Users all over the globe can now upload a variety of their media, including favorite DVDs, VHS tapes, LP/cassettes, DVR content, and set-top box programs using One Touch and view them on any iDevice. Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Time Warner Cable’s New iPhone App Brings Live TV To The Small Screen

20.01.2012 18:22, TechCrunch
Time Warner Cable is today launching a new iPhone application that allows customers to watch live television from their iPhone or iPod Touch device as well as control, manage and program their DVR. With the new app, users can browse the TV guide, favorite channels and search for programs by title or episode name.

There is a small catch to all this live TV-viewing, of course: it only works Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Shazam Player: Neue Musik-App für iOS

Die Shazam Musikerkennungs-App kennt wohl bereits jeder User eines Smartphones: Wenn man ein Lied hört, das gefällt, startet man einfach die App, und erfährt in wenigen Sekunden Titel und Interpreten. /> Jetzt gibt es eine neue App von Shazam: Shazam Player ist eine kostenlose Musik-App, die im Vergleich zur Standard iPod-App mit Features vollgepackt sein soll – z.B. das Streamen von Songtexten, Konzertdaten Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Evernote Launches Two New iPhone Apps: ‘Food’ And ‘Hello’

07.12.2011 14:21, TechCrunch
Today at the Le Web conference in Paris, Evernote is debuting two new applications for the iPhone and iPod touch devices. The first one is called Food, and is designed to help people easily save and relive all of their favorite meals and food experiences.

The second app is dubbed Hello and basically wants it easier for users to remember people as well as thoughts about and experiences Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

How The iPad 2 Became My Favorite Computer

05.12.2011 17:24, businessinsider

Can the iPad replace a PC?
Ever since Apple announced its tablet nearly two years ago, the Internet has been awash in discussion of this question. Most of it has had a pretty theoretical feel and has gravitated towards conventional wisdom. A piece by Gotta Be Mobiles Will Shanklin comes to the typical conclusions:
Click here to continue reading at Technologizer…
Please Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]