
9. März 2025

Spotify für das iPad scheint in der Betaphase zu sein

Die weltweit größte Musikstream Firma hat das iPad jetzt schon recht lang gemieden. Doch jetzt hat ein schwedischer Technikfachmann ein Foto veröffentlicht auf dem man so etwas wie eine Spotify Beta App sehen kann. Dies geschah übrigens über Instagram mit dem Titel “Its getting closer!”.
Auf dem Bild sieht man eine App die wie eine größere Version der Spotify App für das iPhone aussieht. Die Entwickler nutzen das Quelle: Handy-News AT… [weiterlesen]

Amazon: Smartphone Coming?

09.04.2012 22:52, News
Is Amazon getting ready to launch a smartphone? Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White asserted in a research note this morning that he thinks the company in fact will start selling its own phone later this year, and that it could prove to be ?more sophisticated than many smartphones on the market.? He adds that … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Should You Pick AT&T Or Verizon For Your New iPad? (AAPL, T, VZ)

13.03.2012 15:14, businessinsider

The countrys two largest wireless carriers, Verizon and AT&T, will sell Apples new 4G LTE-powered tablet starting March 16.
LTE is the wireless technology that provides data speeds that can be 10 times as fast as the 3G connection youre used to. At times, weve seen LTE speeds on both AT&T and Verizon that were much, much faster than that.
So when it comes to deciding whether to Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Google: Unlocking The Door For More Android Originality?

17.02.2012 16:11, TechCrunch
It sometimes feels like a absurd story without an ending, trying to track who is attacking whom in the mobile patent game. But Google has now secured one patent that may demonstrate how companies are figuring out ways of getting around would-be infringement issues — and possibly produce more differentiated products in the process.

A Google patent, published by the U.S. Patent and Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

11 Of The Most Shameless, Unethical, And Creepy (Yet Oddly Addictive) Apps For Your iPhone (AAPL)

08.02.2012 15:50, businessinsider

App developers are getting more and more creative with what they create.
From old school pranks to age old questions of how to be popular, were both loving and hating these strangely addictive iPhone and iPad apps.Police Scanners are a very morbid way to spend your time…

There are a number of very good (but also battery draining) police scanner apps that you can purchase for Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]


07.02.12 | 14:24 Uhr

Research and Markets( has announced the addition of John Wiley and Sons Ltds new book iPhone 4 Portable Genius, 2nd Edition to their offering. Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

AT&T CMO: This Is How We Sold Millions More iPhones Than Verizon In 2011

03.02.2012 21:31, News
One year ago, there was a lot of chatter about getting the iPhone and the effect it would have on rival carrier . Now that 2011 sales have been tabulated and turns out to have activated far more iPhones than Verizon did – 17.5 million units vs. 10.8 million for Verizon – is eager to … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

BII Express: Of Course Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds….

12.01.2012 14:56, businessinsider

Google Is Getting In Trouble With The Feds Over Its Social Search
A privacy group has said it is considering filing a complaint with the FTC over Googles new social search. Google recently rolled out a new search interface called Search Plus Your World which features social results from users network prominently. The problem? These social results are largely from Googles own Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Gerücht: iPad 3 bekommt bessere Kameras, iPad 2 bei ca. 399 Dollar

Wie so oft gelangen die neuesten Gerüchte zuerst via Twitter an die Öffentlichkeit: Jeremy Horwitz (@horwitz) von iLounge will von seinen Quellen neue Details (oder zumindest Meldungen) zum nächsten iPad-Generation, und zu Apples Plänen im Bezug auf die Tablet-Familie bekommen haben: /> Die Frontkamera des iPad 3 wird seinen Quellen zufolge ein Upgrade auf HD-Qualität bekommen (und damit auch FaceTime in Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Intel Puts Former iPhone Guy In Charge Of ALL Mobile Products (INTC)

14.12.2011 23:53, businessinsider

Stop me if youve heard this one before: Intel is really getting serious about mobile.
This morning, the company combined four previously separate product groups into a single one focused on all mobile products — smartphones, tablets, netbooks and wireless communications technologies. The move was first reported by Fortune, and Intel confirmed it.
Better yet, the man Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

The Guy In Charge Of Running Windows Phone Is Getting A New Gig At Microsoft (MSFT)

12.12.2011 22:31, businessinsider

The head of Microsofts Windows Phone business is getting a new role at the company overseeing scenarios that combine Windows Phone and Windows 8.
That sounds a lot like hell be overseeing Microsofts future tablet plans.
The news was reported earlier by Ina Fried at All Things D.
In an internal memo, Ballmer said Lees would be working with me on a time-critical opportunity focused Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Verizon is getting its iPhone reward this quarter

04.12.2011 20:03, Business and financial news –
mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]