
23. Februar 2025

Apple: Niedriges KGV und gigantische Bargeldbestände | Apple | Artikel |

Apple Inc.


Produkte auf diesen Basiswert

New York ( – Die Analysten von Henderson Global Investors halten die Aktie von Apple für attraktiv bewertet. Apple stelle weiterhin die gesamte Branche beim Gesamtumsatz in den Schatten und gewinne Marktanteile in den wichtigsten Segmenten. Mit einem niedrigen KGV von rund 8 basierend auf dem Konsens für Quelle: Boerse Go… [weiterlesen]

THE GOOGLE INVESTOR: Regulatory Scrutiny Is Far From Over (GOOG)

16.02.2012 16:22, businessinsider

The Google Investor is a daily report from SAI. Sign up here to receive it by email

GOOG Down With Tech Markets are up marginally in early trading on decent economic data including housing starts, initial jobless claims (last week) as well as Core PPI figures. Shares of GOOG are down with the rest of tech. Investors continue to look for Android momentum in the smartphone and tablet Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple Stock Hits High as iPhones, iPads Double

25.01.2012 17:09,
CUPERTINO, Calif. (TheStreet) — Investors pushed up Apples stock to an all-time high Wednesday after the company said after the market closed yesterday that sales of iPhones and iPads more than doubled in the most recent quarter.

Apples shares surged as much as 8.1%, bringing this years increase to 10%, after the company shredded analysts estimates late on Tuesday. They Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]