
23. Februar 2025

Apple beat Google smartphones in U.S.-researcher

25.01.2012 10:00, Reuter-News – Sectors >>Telecommunications
Jan 25 (Reuters) – Booming demand for the latest iPhone
model helped Apple beat all phones using Googles
Android platform in the U.S. smartphone market in the fourth
quarter, data showed on Wednesday. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Sony Ericsson CFO: focus on smartphones, Android

19.01.2012 10:05, Reuter-News – Sectors >>Telecommunications
Jan 19 (Reuters) – Sony Ericsson
will continue to focus on smartphones running on Googles
Android platform after becoming part of Sony Corp, chief
financial officer of the venture told Reuters in an interview. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]