
9. März 2025

Russland schmiedet eigene Android-Version

Am Rande der IFA in Berlin wurde das Russian Mobile Operating System (RoMOS) als Variante von Google Android präsentiert.
Ferdinand Thommes

Ein Tablet mit RoMos auf der IFA

Das Android-Pendant wird in erster Linie für die russische Regierung und das Militär entwickelt, da die Verantwortlichen Android in Sachen Sicherheit nicht vertrauen. Die erste öffentliche Präsentation Quelle: Pro-Linux… [weiterlesen]

Apple Roundup: iPad Mini, iOS 6, MacBook Pro

05.06.2012 18:41, TheStreet.com
NEW YORK (TheStreet) — The Appleheadlines of the day include news that the company may be releasing an iPad Mini after all, the surfacing of details about the new mobile operating system, and indications that the refreshed MacBook Pro may disappoint. The rumors of an iPad Mini have been around seemingly forever, but now Wall Street analysts are starting to speak about the device Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

This Startup Is Fixing A Major Problem With The Kindle Fire (AMZN)

29.03.2012 15:22, businessinsider

When Amazon decided to fork Android and build its own operating system, it ended up missing out on some key parts of the Android ecosystem, according to Ted Morgan, CEO of Skyhook Wireless.
It didnt get the Android Market, it didnt get Google Maps, and it didnt get location services.
The first one is not a big deal, since Amazon has its own App Store. The other two are problematic Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft Previews Its Most Important Piece Of Software In Decades

29.02.2012 10:23, businessinsider

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Microsoft is scrambling to preserve whats left of its kingdom.
Since the company released its Windows operating system in 1985, most of the sequels have been variations on the same theme. Not that it mattered much. Regardless of the softwares quality, Microsoft managed to remain at the center of the personal computing universe.
The stakes are much Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

US Web Traffic: iOS überholt OS X

Platztausch innerhalb der Familie: Wie eine aktuelle Studie von Chitika besagt, hat das mobile Betriebssystem iOS (im Einsatz auf iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, und in abgewandelter Form auch auf AppleTV 2G) im Lauf dieses Monats das Mac-Betriebssystem OS X überholt – zumindest, was das Erzeugen von Web Traffic in den USA betrifft.Bereits seit Dezember liefern sich die beiden Apple-Betriebsssysteme ein Kopf-an Kopf-Rennen:iOS Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft Bringing Its CRM App to iPhone, iPad and Android

06.02.2012 20:05, allthingsd.com
Redmond is once again cranking out versions of its software for rivals mobile platforms, this time bringing its Dynamics CRM product to a bunch of mobile operating systems. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Google Gets Serious About Android Security, Now Auto-Scans App Market For Malware

02.02.2012 21:34, Forbes.com: News
The days of Android Market anarchy may be coming to an end. On Thursday, announced a new functionality in the application market for its mobile operating system that automatically scans new apps for known malware. The program, which the company is calling ???Bouncer,? also continues to run periodic simulations on existing apps to test them … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Review: Google Delivers Ultimate Android

26.01.2012 01:08, Businessweek
For the last couple of years, Google has reserved the “Nexus” label for smartphones that provide the purest experience of its Android operating system. Meanwhile, Samsung has used the “Galaxy” brand on its top-of- the-line mobile devices. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple And Google Seek To Defy 10-Year Smartphone OS Life Cycle

20.01.2012 19:29, Forbes.com: News
There are some universally-agreed upon trends in technology, such as Moores . A newer but perhaps equally intriguing industry observation relates to smartphone operating systems. It posits that these OSes have just a 10-year life cycle. This trend doesnt have a catchy name but could have important implications for and , which are currently the … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Handys und Android Handysuche.net News

Android gab schon immer ein sehr gutes Bild ab. Das Operating System hat nützliche Features, die dem Smartphone Stabilität borgen. So sind folgende Punkte anziehend: Durch einen passenderen Aufbau im Optionsmenü werden nun Einstellungen am Smartphone leichter vorgenommen.

Auch lassen sich schon beim Kauf vorinstallierte Apps abschalten. Sie entschwinden zwar nicht vom Hauptspeicher, jedoch werden Quelle: Handysuche.net… [weiterlesen]


18.01.12 | 18:55 Uhr

ChaCha, the #1 free, real-time Q&A service has updated its apps on iPhone and Android operating systems with a fresh look and feel and enhanced functionality, giving ChaChees the most accurate answers in the quickest way possible. Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Intel CEO “Windows 8 ist eins der besten Dinge die uns je passiert sind”

Intel steht in Zeiten das Mobile Computing nicht mehr so gut da wie vorher, doch mit Windows 8 glaubt man an Besserung.
Intels CEO Paul Otellini hat jetzt auf einer Schweizer Technologie Konferenz eine kurze Stellungnahme zu Windows 8 abgegeben. Er bezeichnet Windows 8 dabei als eins der besten Dinge die uns (Intel) je passiert sind”. Seiner Meinung nach wird Windows 8 Tablets zum Mainstream machen. Dazu sieht es Quelle: Taschen-PC… [weiterlesen]

Steve Jobs Was Right: Google IS Turning Into Microsoft (GOOG, MSFT)

30.11.2011 02:14, businessinsider

Last spring as Larry Page was preparing to retake the helm at Google, he asked Steve Jobs for advice.
Jobs told him to focus on fewer things and do them really well.
Jobs later recounted the conversation to his biographer Walter Isaacson.
Figure out what Google wants to be when it grows up. Its now all over the map. What are the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple Tops Android In Mobile Ad Performance, But Windows Phone Still Leads The Pack

29.11.2011 15:53, TechCrunch
Mobile ad optimization platform  Smaato, Inc. released the results of its mobile ad report for Q3 2011 today and found that, for the third consecutive quarter, Windows Phone (156) led the companys Smaato Index, a measure of mobile operating system click-through rates. In second place was RIM (113), which has now overtaken both Apple (89) and  Android (84) . mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]