Im frisch veröffentlichten White Paper Mobile data growth: How operators can handle the traffic explosion der deutschen Cunsulting-Firma Solon Telecoms prognostizieren die Autoren Marc Sier, Stephan Kalleder und Andreas Pauly eine Verdoppelung der Kosten für Access- und Backhaul-Netze, um die zusätzlich erforderlichen Kapazitäten bereitzustellen. Bis 2016 sei in Deutschland mit einem Datenaufkommen Quelle:… [weiterlesen]
26.02.12 | 13:01 Uhr | 5 mal gelesen
Growing consumer demand for constant mobile connectivity is presenting operators with excellent revenue opportunities, but operators also face the challenge of ensuring their networks can handle the high level of data traffic while maintaining service quality and an outstanding end-user experience. People want to be able to access social media, news, games, apps and other Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]
Network jams reported as Apple fans race to preorder latest iPhone model
02.12.2011 17:18, China Post Online – Taiwan Business,World Business
( – Mobile operators websites experienced logjams after preordering of the iPhone 4S began Thursday evening, they said yesterday. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]