
9. März 2025

iPad 3 Rumor Roundup

29.02.2012 01:20, TechCrunch
Unless Apple is conning the world, the iPad 3 should be announced next week. It, like its forbears, is the subject of many a rumor, some more likely than others. Weve collected most of them here in this post with arguments for and against, for your convenience and flaming pleasure.

Of course, well be there to cover the event live, and will (if past events are any indication) get a nice hands-on Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Showyou Rolls Out All-New iPad App With Improved Video Discovery, Better Social Tools

02.02.2012 18:00, TechCrunch
Social video browsing app Showyou just launched version 3.0 of its iPad application, a major update with a ton of new features. Competing in a hot space with competitors like Fanhattan, Shelby.tv, Squrl, Vodio  and others, Showyou offers a grid-like view for browsing the videos your friends are sharing on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube and Vimeo. Once connected, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]