
23. Februar 2025


Was für ein Hype um das neue iPhone5: Kaum vorgestellt ist das Gerät in den USA auch schon ausverkauft. Auch in Amsterdam ist das Interesse gross – und deshalb hat das Unternehmen, das das erste Telefon bekommen hat, sich auch einen kleinen Spass erlaubt. «» klebte das begehrte Stück mit einem Kraftkleber auf das Trottoir. Die Passanten reagierten entsprechend verwirrt.

Her mit dem Quelle:… [weiterlesen]

LOOK: People Actually Did Line Up For The Nokia Lumia 900* (NOK, MSFT, T)

10.04.2012 03:22, businessinsider

It seems like theres at least one place people were willing to line up for Nokias new Lumia 900 Windows Phone.
Geekwire reports Microsoft held a celebratory launch event for the Lumia 900 at its Redmond campus store. Employees are said to have waited in line for up to an hour to get their hands on the new smartphone.
The Lumia 900 is seen by many as the make-it-or-break-it smartphone Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Yesterday’s iPad Event Was Only Half The Story

08.03.2012 23:55, TechCrunch
Because of the way Apple structures their major announcements — iPad in the first quarter, WWDC and iPhone in the summer though perhaps with the iPhone, now its fall — the iPad event is a little weird, because its really only half an event. The first half is what happened yesterday — the unveiling of the new iPad. And the new stuff is mostly about hardware features. The Retina Display. Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Das erwartet uns am morgigen Apple-Event

Morgen Abend, genauergesagt um 19:00 Uhr, hält Apple eine Keynote-Präsentation unter dem Motto “We have something you really have to see. And touch.” im Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco, weches bereits entsprechend eingerichtet ist (siehe Bild). Da sich das Event ausschliesslich um neue Post-PC-Geräte aus Cupertino drehen wird, haben wir die Gerüchteküche in den vergangenen Monaten intensiv überwacht und Quelle:… [weiterlesen]

Apple lädt zum iPad-3-Event am 7. März 2012 iNews @ iCatcher

Heute Abend erreichten die offiziellen Einladungen zu Apples Presseevent vom 7. März 2012 die ersten Empfänger. Das Motto lautet dieses Mal “We have something you really have to see. And touch.” und deutet ganz klar auf den Retina-Bildschirm des iPad 3 hin. Der Event findet wie gewohnt im Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco statt und beginnt um 19:00 Uhr unserer Zeit. Neben dem iPad 3 soll dabei unter anderem auch der Quelle:… [weiterlesen]

Apple: Media-Event in San Francisco; iPad 3 vor Ankündigung?

28. Feb 2012 19:00 Uhr – sw

Apple hat für die kommende Woche eine Presseveranstaltung angesetzt. Sie findet US-Medienberichten zufolge am Mittwoch, den 07. März, in San Francisco statt. Das Media-Event steht unter dem Motto We have something you really have to see. And touch. Gerüchten zufolge soll auf der Veranstaltung die dritte iPad-Generation vorgestellt werden. Über eine verbesserte Version des Apple-Tablets Quelle: MacGadget… [weiterlesen]

Andy Rubin Is Full Of It – It Would Be EASY For Google To Give Motorola An Edge (GOOG)

27.02.2012 20:18, businessinsider

Today at a mobile industry conference, Googles Andy Rubin explained that Google isnt going to favor Motorola over any other Android reseller.
As The Verge reports, he told reporters that Android and Motorola are so completely separate, he doesnt even know whos running Motorola once the acquisition is complete.
(Andy, meet Dennis Woodside. Dennis, meet Andy. You guys know Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft And Apple Vs. Google: The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

21.02.2012 22:03, Home Page
By TechCrunch:

By MG Siegler
Microsoft (MSFT) and Apple (AAPL) should hate one another right now. I mean, really hate each other. After decades of domination, Microsoft has watched their rival move from deathࢠ€ ™s door to become the most valuable company in the world ࢠ€ ” over $200 billion more valuable than Microsoft itself. And it was Microsoft who helped get Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

iPad 3 Will Have A Fantastic 8 Megapixel Camera, According To Latest Leaked Images (AAPL)

19.02.2012 14:51, businessinsider

The iPad 3 will have an 8 megapixel camera, according to a report in Hong Kong newspaper, Apple Daily.
That means the iPad 3s camera will be the same as whats in the iPhone 4S, says 9 to 5 Mac. (The iPhone 4S camera is really good.)
For more: Everything We Know About The iPad 3
Please follow SAI on Twitter and Facebook.Join the conversation about this story »See Also:THE APPLE INVESTOR: Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Absinthe untethered A5 Jailbreak: Update auf Version 0.3, Linux-Version

Das iPhone 4S und iPad 2 Jailbreak-Tool “Absinthe” hat ein kleineres Update auf Version 0.3 erhalten. Die Updates für Mac und Windows sind rein kosmetischer Natur (es ist also kein erneuter Jailbreak erforderlich), neu ist aber die Linux-Version. /> Hier noch einmal alle drei Download-Links: class=filedownload>  Absinthe 0.3 für Mac (9,9 MB, 282 Zugriffe) class=filedownload>  Absinthe 0.3 für Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Inside Apple: Wie der größte Technologie-Konzern der Welt funktioniert

Ein neues Buch mit dem Titel “Inside Apple – How Amerikas Most Admired – and Secretive – Company Really Works” von Adam Lashinsky, das nächste Woche erscheint, verspricht ausführliche Einblicke in Apples Organisation und Firmenstruktur. Es will aber auch beleuchten, wie weit man bei Apple geht, um die Geheimhaltung von Firmeninformationen zu gewährleisten:Apple employees know something big is afoot when the Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Finally Get Proper, Untethered Jailbreaks

20.01.2012 20:25, TechCrunch
While the once long list of legitimate reasons to jailbreak your iPhone has taken a hit with each new iOS release, that burning desire to Free your device and/or Fight the power and/or Just do crazy stuff that other people cant do never really goes away.

3 months after the release of the iPhone 4S and 10 months after the release of the iPad 2, the ridiculously talented iOS hacking community Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Sony’s Z1000 Android-Powered Walkman Takes Aim At Apple And Samsung

10.01.2012 02:00, TechCrunch
Sonys really looking to give their Walkman line of mp3 players a shot in the arm with their newest addition to the lineup. Dubbed the Walkman Z1000, its Sonys first Android-powered music player and its gunning to give Apple and Samsung a run for their money. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

CES: At Long Last, You Can Shower With Your iPhone

09.01.2012 08:49, News
Even those of us who are as attached to our Apple iPhones as I am must occasionally put them down. For instance, you really shouldn?t take it in the ocean. Or in the pool. Or even in the shower. In case you hadn?t noticed, electronic devices do not enjoy swimming. A small Santa Ana, California … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Watch An iPad (And GoPro Camera) Survive A 100,000 Foot Drop

06.01.2012 01:24, TechCrunch
There were doubters last time. They said a 1300 foot drop wasnt all that much. It wasnt a true test. It fell onto grass, they said. Well, G-Form is back with another marketing ploy.

This time they sent an iPad encased in G-Forms $45 Extreme Edge case to the cusp of space and back. The iPad of course survived. Its an impressive feat if it really happened. When the iPad eventually touches down, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]