The mobile gaming space is shifting from the dominant casual titles such as Angry Birds to hardcore games such as Shadowgun and Grand Theft Auto III. As smartphones and tablets become more powerful, games are becoming more complex as well. Unfortunately, both device categories have a major flaw where gaming is concerned: touch controls. Using a touchscreen and accelerometer is extremely limited, and in many cases Quelle: BGR… [weiterlesen]
Apple reportedly working on a video game controller for iOS devices
Nokia Reportedly Plans 10-Inch Windows 8-Based Tablet
12.03.2012 15:27, News
Nokia is planning to jump into the tablet market with a 10-inch device running Microsoft Windows 8 on a device using a Qualcomm dual-core ARM-based processor, DigiTimes reports. The device will ship in Q4 at the earliest, the Web site contends, citing ?sources at upstream component suppliers.? DigiTimes says the tablet will be produced by … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Nokia Lumia Windows 8 Tab Coming Later This Year?
12.03.2012 14:24, TechCrunch
Nokia and Microsoft, sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.i.n.g. First came WinPhone, then comes ARM tabs, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!
If an unconfirmed Digitimes report is to be believed, Nokia is set to release a 10-inch Windows 8 later this year. The report says the tablet would hit the streets sometime in the fourth quarter, which would likely make this tablet among the first batch Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Will We See An iPad 3 Mini In 2012?
11.02.2012 18:56, News
Will release a 7 in. iPad later this year to compliment the 9.7 in. iPad 3 reportedly launching this coming March? Ezra Gottheil, an analyst with??Technology Business Research, told??Computerworld that he expects to release the smaller model later this year. ?I believe that?s always been in the plan,? Gottheil said. ?Actually, that?s a good form … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Apple Reportedly To Launch iPhone 5 At WWDC In June
02.02.2012 23:35, News
Apple is expected go launch the iPhone 5 at the company?s Worldwide Developers Conference in June, the Chinese-language Commercial Times reported, citing Daiwa Securities. The piece was picked up by DigiTimes. This is not exactly a startling revelation, but noteworthy nonetheless. Expect the rumor mill to start spinning into overdrive as WWDC gets closer. The … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Microsoft Will Pay AT&T Staff Who Recommend Windows Phones Over iPhone And Android
05.01.2012 22:39, businessinsider
In a bid to boost the adoption of devices running its Windows Phone 7 mobile operating system, Microsoft will reportedly pay bonuses to AT&T staff who recommend Windows Phone handsets over Apples iPhone and Google Android-powered devices.
Paul Thurrott of WindowsITPro reports that the company will pay between $10 and $15 for each handset sold, depending on the number of Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
China Unicom Rumored To Start Selling iPhone 4S In China This Week
03.01.2012 03:54,
China Unicom has reportedly decided to start selling the iPhone 4S, Apples latest smartphone, from January 6, 2012. China Unicom has maintained a partnership with Apple for two years, during which time the Chinese telecom operator was the exclusive contracted operator for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. The operator has recently been preparing for the [...] mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
NY Times: Apple testet Prototypen neuer Mobilgeräte
Nick Bilton von den New York Times will gehört haben, dass Apple derzeit einige neue Prototypen und Ideen aus der mobilen Branche testet, konkret geht es um “Wearable Computers”, also Geräte, die man wie eine Armbanduhr ständig mit sich führt und griffbereit hat.Dem Bericht zufolge arbeiten sowohl Apple als auch Google bereits seit Jahren an solchen “Wearable Computers”, die vor allem mit den eigenen Smartphones Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]