15.05.2012 18:51, TheStreet.com
NEW YORK (TheStreet) — The rumors of a smaller iPad from Apple just wont go away, and Apple may switch up the graphic chips it uses in the next MacBook Pro. Apple has often been rumored to be making a 7-inch iPad, despite Steve Jobs famously saying the form factor of the device at that size wouldnt express the software. Now Digitimes is reporting a 7.85-inch iPad is in the works that would Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Wall Street Journal: Apple testet 8-Zoll iPad Mini Komponenten
Gerüchte über ein zusätzliches iPad-Modell mit kleinerem Display (die Rede ist üblicherweise von ca. 7 Zoll Diagonale) sind alles andere als neu.Die neueste Meldung dazu kommt jetzt vom Wall Street Journal, dem “ein Apple Zulieferer” gespickt haben will, dass Apple jetzt seinen Produzenten erste Designs eines iPad Mini vorgelegt habe.
/> Dem Bericht zufolge ist Apple derzeit auf der Suche nach geeigneten Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]
Will We See An iPad 3 Mini In 2012?
11.02.2012 18:56, Forbes.com: News
Will release a 7 in. iPad later this year to compliment the 9.7 in. iPad 3 reportedly launching this coming March? Ezra Gottheil, an analyst with??Technology Business Research, told??Computerworld that he expects to release the smaller model later this year. ?I believe that?s always been in the plan,? Gottheil said. ?Actually, that?s a good form … mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
UPDATE 2-Sprint loss widens on iPhone costs
08.02.2012 14:30, Reuter-News – Sectors >>Telecommunications
Feb 8 (Reuters) – Sprint Nextel posted a bigger
loss, reflecting the higher costs of selling Apple Incs
. But the loss was smaller than expected because its
signed up fewer subscribers than expected. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Rumor: Apple Will Debut *Two* iPads Next Month, Retina Displays In Tow
29.12.2011 15:09, TechCrunch
The Apple rumor mill never takes a break, even during the holidays.
In the past months weve heard two very specific allegations concerning the iPad — both out of Digitimes — focused on a smaller sized Apple tab at 8.75 inches and a release date of early 2012. As Devin explained so well, the notion of a smaller iPad out of Cupertino is a bit hard to believe. It would mean that Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]
Amazon Kindle Fires Up Ideas For Smaller iPad
22.12.2011 18:05, Forbes.com: News
If Apple indeed comes up with a 7 to 8 inch tablet, it will be a significant design change from the current 10 inch screen size of the iPad. mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]