Karten-Hersteller UpNext bringt mit HD Maps eine beeindruckende neue iPad App in den AppStore. UpNext HD Maps
/> Hersteller: UpNext, LLC
/> Freigabe: 4+
/> Preis: Kostenlos DownloadTechCrunch zur App:I am seriously impressed. The resolution is great and the onscreen update speed is amazing. It offers the best of services like Google Maps alongside real city imagery, allowing you to use the map to orient Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]
UpNext HD Maps: Beeindruckende 3D-Karten App für iPad
23. Januar 2012 von
UpNext Releases Amazingly Fluid 3D Mapping App On iPad And Android
20. Januar 2012 von
20.01.2012 17:31, TechCrunch
The future was supposed to be all about swooping through pixellated cities, the crepuscular computer ghost-light arcing through the Aurignacian canyons of Neo Tokyo as we trailed our enemies into the dark. Instead we get some of the coolest map visualizations Ive ever seen with a few social media tricks thrown in to make a very cool mapping platform called UpNext. You win some, you lose Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]