
23. Februar 2025

Innovative iPad Stand “Tabi” Launches in time for Christmas

04.12.12 | 18:13 Uhr | 2 mal gelesen

SYDNEY, Dec. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Australian Startup Tabi ® today announced availability of the Tabi Stand. This is a brilliant little stand that you can throw in your bag. It provides instant support, at the angle you want, without any fuss. Very light but strong, there are no metal parts that might scratch your device. A unique slider lets you reach behind your screen with both Quelle: ad-hoc… [weiterlesen]

Fix für Bug in Android der schon seit 2010 gemeldet ist steht vor der Tür

Am 29. April 2010 wurde ein Problem mit dem Netzwerk unter Android an Google weitergeleitet von einem HTC Desire Besitzer. Und so beschreibt der Nutzer den Bug:When connected on WiFi to a network which specifies a domain name, hostnames in that domain do not resolve without appending the domain to the hostname.Dieser Bug führte dazu, dass er nicht ins Internet konnte, wenn er mit dem Wlan seiner Universität verbunden Quelle: Handy-News AT… [weiterlesen]

iSayHello App – Travel Dictionary for the iPhone, the iPad and Android! Reise Infos und Tourismus Informationen

iSayHello – dont go on your Summer Vacation without it: the Talking Travel Dictionary for the iPhone, the iPad and Android!
iSayHello App – Travel dictionary and translator
Its almost that time of year again: summer vacation. Distant and foreign lands are calling – unfortunately in a language that most of us are not familiar with. The travel app iSayHello, for iOS and Android , will break down the language barrier. Quelle: Reisen.pr-Gateway… [weiterlesen]

Bits Blog: Et Tu, Google? Android Apps Can Also Secretly Copy Photos

01.03.2012 19:24, NYT > Business
It’s not just Apple. Android apps do not need permission to access a user’s photos, and as long as an app has the right to access the Internet, it can copy those photos to a remote server without any notice, according to developers and mobile security experts.
mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Google: Unlocking The Door For More Android Originality?

17.02.2012 16:11, TechCrunch
It sometimes feels like a absurd story without an ending, trying to track who is attacking whom in the mobile patent game. But Google has now secured one patent that may demonstrate how companies are figuring out ways of getting around would-be infringement issues — and possibly produce more differentiated products in the process.

A Google patent, published by the U.S. Patent and Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

How An Iphone Can Make Your Eyesight Better

02.01.2012 22:53, Forbes.com: News
Reading without glasses when you are over 40 years old: Can your smartphone help you? mehr » Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

Apple Takes the Lead: Laptops, iPads And iPhones Without Lithium?

02.01.2012 11:21, SeekingAlpha.com: Home Page
By Juan Carlos Zuleta:In accordance with what I anticipated in an interview with a Bolivian newspaper more than a year ago about the possible emergence of substitutes for lithium, Apple (AAPL) has just announced the filling of two fuel cell patent applications that could radically change the prospects for lithium demand in the coming years. With the first patent, Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]

iPhone Unlock: Ultrasn0w und Redsn0w Updates für iOS 5.0.1

Mit dem neuesten Update kommt Weihnachten für Benutzer eines iPhone 4 und iPhone 3GS mit (einer mit Hilfe von redsn0w o.ä. erstellten Version von) iOS 5.0.1 schon etwas früher: Bestehende Unlocker bekommen mit ultrasn0w 1.2.4 das ersehnte Update, um auch die neueste öffentliche iOS-Version inkl. Unlock verwenden zu können. /> An den unterstützten Basebands hat sich aber leider nichts geändert: Unterstützt Quelle: iPhone News.Org… [weiterlesen]

Microsoft Kinectimals Appears On The iPhone, As Cute As Can Be

14.12.2011 00:36, TechCrunch
Microsoft has ported Kinectimals, the Xbox 360 game that involves the care and feeding of dangerous animals in the wild, to the iPhone, suggesting that (at least in the short term) even Microsoft sees the value of releasing on iOS first.

The $2.99 game recreates the Xbox version fairly faithfully but without the Kinect motion controls. Interestingly, the app also allows you to unlock Quelle: DAF… [weiterlesen]